Well, I'm sorry to say the
Visto Mobile has pulled it's email service. They did extend the support for 3 months free of charge which was a nice move. This service had been working pretty consistently for me. At this point, I'm disappointed it is being pulled. The one nice feature was that you could delete messags on the iphone that would be deleted from your Lotus Notes inbox. In other words, no dual maintenance. It seems it may be offered by some of the service providers.
So far no news on AT&T picking it up.
iNotes UltraliteOur corporate Lotus Notes servers were upgrade to the 8.0 version which now provides the Ultralite INotes interface. This has come in very handy for checking details of meetings and for email. This also provides access to all email view, but does not utilize the folder views. The calendar does not allow you to add appointments or meetings. Sending email is problematic since there is no link for the corporate directory lookup to the email capabilities. My biggest problem with this, which may be a factor of the iPhone, is the need to login each time the site is accessed. Good security, but a bit painful to review emails.
EMAILSo, I'm back to forwarding email to a Google email account from Lotus Notes. However, I've taken a slightly different approach this time. Before getting into that I had received some questions about setting up GMail and Notes to all the response to look like they are being sent from Notes.
I took the following steps.
1. In Notes, I simply set up a Rule to forward all documents to mymail@gmail.com.
I specified to send the full copy when mail arrives for all documents,
2. In Gmail, under Settings/Accounts I added my work account me@work.com as an account I can send mail as.
This will send an email to that account to confirm you control it.
3. In Gmail, I then made the me@work.com.
4. On the iPhone, add an account (Settings -> Mail -> Add Account -> Other)
5. Enter your lotus email me@work.com
6. When prompted for the mail servers, use your gmail account and password, mymail@gmail.com.
The incoming email server would be imap.gmail.com and the outgoing would be smtp.gmail.com.
That seemed to do it for me as a basic setup. The problem was that each email I received at work dutifully got pumped to my iphone. Did I mention the need to delete or file the emails in both places? So I did some more searching.
I happened upon
Wireless Mail from MartinScott.com. This is a number of agents that get imported into your Lotus Notes system that control the forwarding of emails to your gmail account. There are several really nice features to these utilities. You can easily configure the schedule of when emails are forwarded. You can remotely override the schedule from your iPhone.
For example, if you typically forward the emails from 8 to 5 during the week, but you are delayed getting into the office, you can send a short email from another specified account (me@mac.com) which will then begin forwarding all emails. There is also a lot of flexibility based on keyword and author that allows very granular control of what gets forwarded.
it still doesn't solve the dual maintenance issue, but it keeps me informed and engaged when I'm not in the office or logged into Lotus Notes. You do need Design access to your mail file, but this seems to be very common. There are some very detailed instructions at the
MartinScott site.
CalendarI'm trying something different for the calendar, also. I am still using
Companion Link for Google to sync the calendar entries from Lotus Notes to Google Calendar. This is running from an always on (almost) PC at work. I had been using BusySync to sync GCal to iCal and using MobileMe to get them to the iPhone.
The approach I am trying now uses
NuevaSync which push the GCal entries to the iphone using the Exchange interface. This helps to facilitate keeping my iPhone updated even when my MAC is not online.
The site gives good instructions on setting up the phone. However, you do need to create an account to access these instructions. The account is free.
Calendar entries are pushed to the native calendar on the iPhone. I have not experimented with two way syncing back to Lotus Notes. I still run into issues with duplicates being created on GCal. However, Nuevasyn also has a toll to remove duplicate entries from GCal that works pretty well, too.
I simply subscribe to the GCal calendar within iCal to keep that up to date. The one place these entries don't currently show up is in MobileMe on the web. I hardly ever reference that site for the calendar anyway,
Well, I'm still waiting for a native iPhone app like mNotes. In the meantime, I'll keep cobbling pieces together to make it work.