Thursday, June 04, 2009

Hey Mac! Cease and desist!

First, if you couldn't already tell, I'm a staunch MAC convert. I'm not a zealot quite yet. I might be gaining on being an Apple evangelist. However, I am a business professional and fully support and understand the need for Microsoft Windows in the workplace. Its just an "is". In addition, my latest position also inflicts (yes, that feels right) the use of Lotus Notes on it's employees. (Don't get me started ;)

Since my conversion, I've gone about my business while quietly integrating the use of my MacBook Pro and iPhone into my daily work. Mind you, this took some imagination, experimentation, and personal investment on my part, all done outside of the normal work day. Now, I've always taken stringent security precautions when using my personal systems in the workplace. These as much for my protection as for the workplace.

So, I had finally hobbled together a workable solution integrating the Apple MBP, with the iPhone, with Windows, and Lotus Notes. I felt my productivity & efficiency increased. I didn't have to worry about the pesky virus announcements, I didn't have to reboot on a regular basis. Software didn't freeze up on me. Ah, life was good.

We were also anticipating supporting the Safari browser for some of our applications. I thought, "Hey maybe I can help with some prototype testing. Maybe, just maybe, they're starting to get the idea that choice can be a productivity enhancement."

Not to be, not to be. Shortly there after, I received a request from our IT staff to scan my MacBook Pro. Happily complying, I provided them access to see that even though I'm on a MAC, I stay current with virus scans and firewall protections. I thought, good I'm inally out of the MAC closet.

No, not to be. Next came the "cease and desist" email from IT. This was very polite and good natured. It stated clearly that all required software and systems are made available. IT could not support the OS/X environment. the PB represented a potential security risk.

All true, all true. I can't really argue with any of the points, well except the last one. Access to Facebook, external email sites, and people using work laptops at home on the open Internet provide a greater risk, I think. Maybe I'm a bit bitter?

I had a headache for 3 days as my brain fought to readjust to the look and feel of Windows. At least it is Windows XP. I resisted the urge to throw keyboards and mice. I sucked it down and trudged forward. Trudged being the operative word.

Still keep my MBP by my side with an AT&T 3g card, for those times I really, really need to get something done quickly.

Rant. Finished.

Anyone have similar experiences? How did you deal with them?