The eWeek article, eWeek Labs Staffers Reveal ,got me thinking about how I initially embarked on the my technology journey. It wasn't so much a device that turned me onto computers but more the technology utilized in NASA during the 60's and 70's. Realizing I probably didn't have what it takes to get into the space program, I though science and technology may be a way to participate.
Well, that never worked out. I never even got to an interview with NASA, but some of the system we currently develop have been used to provide network services, such as DNS and DHCP, throughout NASA. So, eventually I guess I did get involved.
From a true technology perspective, in 4 years of college I had gone from punched cards, to using a teletype, to working remotely on a portable teletype that displayed the information on a television instead of printing it. No really! No paper required!
Those were exciting times, huh? But the rate of change in those 4 years convinced me that this was going to be a fun ride.
And so it has. The rate of change, if anything, has continued to accelerate since those early days. But that's what keeps it challenging and engaging.
What first turned you on to technology?