This is not my typical entry. Hmm. Not sure I have a typical post yet. I guess that's a good thing. Anyway ...
I happend to be on vacation in the South Eastern US during landfall of Katrina and its immediate aftermath.
Travelling to GA, there happened to be a large number of armed service personnel on our plane returning from Iraq.
The flight crew gave these brave individuals the recognition and consideration that they deserved during the flight.
Most were only home for a 2 week leave.
In hind sight, I couldn't helping wondering how many were flying into the eye of the storm, literally.
On our return flight, there were also a large number of service personnel. While waiting to board it was obvious that these people were saying good bye. Fathers and mothers saying good bye to their families and friends, some sitting alone ... waiting.
Once on the board, the flight crew again gave the troops the public recognition they deserved. The reaction from the troops was much more subdued, for obvious reasons.
I also realized those young men and women on the first flight, would be back here in these seats in another 7 days.