Monday, September 12, 2005

RSVP - New Meanings ,,,

So RSVP, more commonly know as Resource ReSerVation Protocol. A protocol used in VoIP. Oh another one, Voice over IP.
Oh another one, internet protocol.

But that is not the subject of this post. This is another case of mergers between traditional terms and hi tech acronyms
Traditionally, RSVP is the French etymology for "please reply". Trying google'ing RSVP. I think you go through a few pages before you find this meaning.

Well, at this juncture, it is the traditional definition that conerns me the most; "Please Reply".
This is because my only daughter, my only child, is getting married this weekend. In T-6 days she'll be married, new name, new home. So RSVP has been of great importance.

Who's coming, who's not?
How many are coming?
Where are they staying?
How are they getting there?
Where are they sitting?

Funny I don't remember worrying about all these things when I got married. I was probably too much in shock to worry about details.

I've tried to come up with other explanations for RSVP. You know. Funny ones related to weddings, marriage, etc.

Relative Surprive Visit Problems
Real Serious Virtual Planning

See, having a hard time with this one. Any suggestions?

Anyway, the countdown has officially begun. I've even praticed falling while walking down the isle.
Just in case I can tuck and roll and be back up without missing a beat. Of course, if I really tripped I'd probably land flat on my face and stay there.